At my museum right now we
have an exhibition of a 19th century painter, Alfred Lambourne, who
painted the Great Salt Lake. He was so inspired by the lake that he homesteaded
Gunnison Island and lived on that remote place for months. Lambourne was
particularly interested in Black Rock, a rock on the south side of the lake
that stands alone and is very identifiable. But, like many romantic painters,
his vision of the landmark was fanciful and dramatic…as opposed to the reality.
I walk through this
exhibition every day, swimming through images of Black Rock. I recently went to
Black Rock as a weekend outing, just me and my sketchbook and camera. My vision
of it was not so grandiose. The road out to it has fallen in disrepair and is
more pothole than road. The rock itself is covered in graffiti and there is
litter all over the ground.
But it is still an iconic
place; while I was there, a class from a local university was out taking water
samples. Many were also sketching the rock. Historically, it was a place to go
and have a picnic, swim in the lake, and generally enjoy the scenery. Which, I
guess it still is, just with graffiti and litter.
With all these Black Rocks
in my vision, I would like to make something commemorating the landmark, graffiti
and all. And because hats are on my mind from the last project, I think I will
make a hat. I envision a fairly plain hat with a surprise embroidery of graffiti.
I will see where my pattern takes me.