With everything being virtual now, most of the shows I have entered are online catalogs only. But it’s a great way to stay home and see art. The latest show with my work is in the Friends of Great Salt Lake Alfred Lambourne Arts Program. This piece called “Bed of Hopper Crystals” has actual hopper salt crystals from Great Salt Lake embedded in it. It makes for a heavy work and pretty impractical for actually wearing, especially in the rain. But I wanted to create the feeling of the warm summer day harvesting these crystals surrounded by the pink salty water. You can see the whole catalog of art, writing, dance, video, and sound on their website.
Description of the artwork from the catalog: The salt crystals that form on the edges of Great Salt Lake are beautiful and varied. On rare occasions, the halite crystals grow so rapidly, the interior does not have time to form, creating a geometric hoppered shape. These hopper salt crystals can be removed from the lake bed like pulling teeth, giving you a perfect crystal of receding concentric squares. This piece of wearable art immerses you in the pink, salty waters of a warm summer day, harvesting hopper crystals from the lakebed like so many encrusted jewels.