Tuesday, November 29, 2022

November Populux

November golden hour to show my November sweater. Scroll down to see a detail since it is hard to see in the dappled sunlight. I think this is my favorite sweater so far as brown is my go to color. I have temporary leather vintage buttons on it now but hope to get some vintage bakelite buttons on it soon. One more sweater to go!

The pattern is Populuxe by Andi Satterlund and knit in Arbor by Brooklyn Tweed in Burnished colorway.

Sunday, October 30, 2022

October Beatnik

I finished the October Sweater just in time for my costume as Velma for Halloween. (Full Disclosure that this is also how I normally dress. My wardrobe has a very Velma vibe.)

The pattern is Beatnik by Norah Gaughan and knit in Malabrigo Yarn Worsted in Glazed Carrots colorway.

Wednesday, October 5, 2022

September Deren

My September sweater, better late than never. I finished it on Monday, three days late but still mostly done in September. My son says the fabric looks like dead plants so I am posing with a dead plant in the last photo. I like the look of the golden silk/mohair held with a taupe cotton/alpaca yarn. This is the perfect fall sweater.

The pattern is Deren Tee by Jacqueline Cieslak and knit in Tussock and Sweetgrass by Purl Soho.

Thursday, September 1, 2022

August Conversion

My August sweater is really more of a shrug, but it works for keeping my arms warm on the cool nights of early autumn. And with less than two weeks to knit it because I - for some reason - decided to knit a Thermidor sweater in August too, it was a very quick knit. 

The pattern is Conversion Pullover by Stephanie Lotven and knit in Bliss Sock by Yarn Nouveau (that has a little bit of cashmere goat with the merino- so is super soft).

Saturday, August 20, 2022

Thermidor Blaster

August 17 was the last day of Thermidor, the eleventh month in the French Republican Calendar. But Thermidor is also what my University calls the non-month at the end of the fiscal year (July 31) to balance all of the remaining budget items. So in honor of Thermidor, this is my Thermidor sweater. It is called Blaster by Andi Satterlund and knit in Flax Down. 


Here is some food for thought about Thermidor: Because of the overthrow of revolutionary radical Robespierre and his followers in that month in 1794, the word "Thermidor" has come to mean a retreat from more radical goals and strategies during a revolution, especially when caused by a replacement of leading personalities.


Tuesday, August 16, 2022

July Astragal

I finished my July sweater by the skin of my teeth late, late Sunday night. And I really like it…if it were January. It turned out bigger, slouchier, and warmer than I was thinking. Perfect to curl up in on a cold winter’s night but sweltering in July. It will be stored for a couple months and then get in heavy rotation. This sweater is Astragal by Ainur Berkimbayeva, knit in Understory from Purl Soho.

Sunday, July 17, 2022

Sol Sol

This is not my July sweater, it is my month of Sol sweater. Sol is the 7th month on the International Fixed Calendar right between June and July. It corresponds to June 18 - July 15 on the Gregorian Calendar. The IFC has 13 months each with exactly 28 days (4 weeks), with some free holidays at the end of the year. It makes for a very efficient calendar, so much so that George Eastman instituted it as the official calendar for the Kodak company and it was in use until 1989!

This sweater is called Sol by Jacqueline Cieslak and is knit in Buttercup Cotton. The sleeveless tank is perfect for all these 100 degree days during Sol.

Saturday, July 9, 2022

Capitol Reef AIR artwork images are finally up

I finally got this blog updated with my Capitol Reef artworks from my residency in 2019! Just in time to gear up for June 2023 when I am artist in residence for Glacier National Park! If you want to see some of the work I didn in Capitol Reef, click on the tab under the header above. You can also see any of my work from other projects I have done.

Wednesday, June 22, 2022

June Sweater: Delmarva

June Sweater! It is called Delmarva by Corrine Walcher and  is knit from a cotton/linen yarn called Lantern from Purl Soho. It’s a great summer top complete with sunburn I got on vacation in California.

Thursday, May 19, 2022

May Sweater: Silva


This is my May Sweater. It wasn’t my favorite construction but I love the Shepherd’s Wool I knit it out of. It definitely screams May!

Monday, April 25, 2022

April Sprout Pullover

Yay, this is my April sweater called Sprout designed by Tif Neilan. It is an eye-watering chartreuse but the exact color of all the early leaf buds in my neighborhood right now. I think this marathon sweater knitting is helping my creative block as I am starting to sketch original ideas again for my own art. I hope I can still stick with all the sweaters *and* begin some of my own stuff.

Tuesday, March 15, 2022

March Seed Pod

My March Sweater is a big gauge so it took less time! This is Seed Pod by Tara-Lynn Morrison from Purl Soho. It’s very warm for the beginning of March but will be stored by the end of March waiting for next winter. It reminds me so much of all the dried seed pods leftover in March waiting for new growth.

Monday, February 28, 2022

February Daytripper Sweater

Just in the nick of time I sewed the buttons on my February Sweater. It is a warm and cozy icelandic wool sweater called Daytripper designed by Mary Jane Mucklestone. So far so good on my goal of a sweater a month. Hopefully I can keep my momentum. 

#lakesaltknit #yearofsweaters #knitting #bangoutadaytripper 

Monday, February 14, 2022

January Incunabula Sweater

I’ve lost a little of my creativity mojo this past year. Although I have been knitting a lot, I have only created one work of art. So in order to kick start my creativity before my artist residency in Glacier National Park next year, I have taken on a rather daunting challenge for myself. 

I am trying to knit one sweater a month. This is a doozy of a challenge for me but I hope by packing in a lot of knitting, new techniques, and dogged willpower, I will kickstart my brain to start imagining and scheming to make original wearable art come next year. 

With that in mind, I have already created my January sweater (well, in full disclosure, I finished it on February 2 but I am still counting it as January). Here is the beautiful design Incunabula by Karie Westermann. It was a wonderful pattern that flew off the needles. It’s a perfect start to my year of sweaters. 

I will post later about my February sweater that is well under way!