I’ve lost a little of my creativity mojo this past year. Although I have been knitting a lot, I have only created one work of art. So in order to kick start my creativity before my artist residency in Glacier National Park next year, I have taken on a rather daunting challenge for myself.
I am trying to knit one sweater a month. This is a doozy of a challenge for me but I hope by packing in a lot of knitting, new techniques, and dogged willpower, I will kickstart my brain to start imagining and scheming to make original wearable art come next year.
With that in mind, I have already created my January sweater (well, in full disclosure, I finished it on February 2 but I am still counting it as January). Here is the beautiful design Incunabula by Karie Westermann. It was a wonderful pattern that flew off the needles. It’s a perfect start to my year of sweaters.
I will post later about my February sweater that is well under way!