Yesterday for the first time in my life I was
able to say that I had a bona fide knitting emergency. Heritage Museum and
Garden emailed and said that within the copse of trees sporting the bark panels
for my installation was a small tree that none of my panels fit. It looked
lonely without a bark skin of it’s own and I was asked if I could knit
something up quickly that it could wear.
So in a day and a half, I designed and knit a
thirteenth panel. Although it is small (10 x 15) it still took a couple days
because even a knitting emergency won’t let me skip work. So here it is, a tiny
coachwood panel that a mere 12” tree will be able to wear in the exhibition.
Here is some nerdy information about coachwood:
Native to the Australian rainforest, coachwood can grow in poor quality soil
and sand along creeks. It is called coachwood because its smooth-grained wood
was once used to make coaches. Today the wood is used for fine furniture and
boat making. The wood has a characteristic caramel odor giving the tree another
moniker of scented satinwood.
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