It’s been awhile, but I haven’t meant to be gone from the
blog so long. I had a sort of knitting slump and creative block, which happens
often in late winter and early spring with me. I slowed down and took a breather
from the break-neck knitting I have been doing for so long so I haven’t much to
show. But I have been knitting slowly, inconsistently, and with less stress
than in the past. Which I guess is a healthy hiatus to have.
The picture above is me knitting on a break during
a workshop I was presenting with the Humanities Council on Museum
interpretation. We were in Leeds at the Silver Reef Museum – such a lovely
invigorating spot.
I hope to post more as I pick up my knitting pace as well as show some more pieces from Great Basin Artist in Residency. I only have a few
more months to create before choosing a piece to give to the Park.
In the meantime, enjoy a piece I have posted
before but has recently been accepted in a local exhibition. Great Basin Sky is
in the Spring Salon at the Springville Museum of Art. If you are in the area,
you can drop in and see it!
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