Thursday, January 16, 2020

Sandstone Cliff

The holidays were productive for getting artwork done for my artist-in-residence for Capitol Reef. First one finished was this marathon shawl inspired by the beautiful sandstone cliffs that surrounds the park. I really miss living in the park but luckily I can surround myself with the landscape with this beauty. 

From the pattern:

Nearly 10,000 feet of sedimentary strata were deposited in Capitol Reef National Park. This layer upon layer of sedimentary rock records nearly 200 million years of geologic history. Rock layers in Capitol Reef reveal ancient environments as varied as rivers, swamps, deserts, and shallow oceans. Fossils found in these rocks give clues that these sandstone layers were deposited when the region was at or near sea level, far below the current elevation. This artwork was produced under the Artist in Residence Program at Capitol Reef National Park.

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